Tokenization – the future of financial markets

What is Tokenization? Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, and cryptocurrency are powering unprecedented digital change in the banking sector. Blockchain technology offers the potential to enhance the efficiency, safety, and worldwide availability of financial transactions. According to former analysts at Goldman Sachs, the total number of crypto investors will reach 1.2 billion globally […]


The Impact of AI on Finance Learning

Introduction Digital Transformation is not just a buzzword anymore but a present reality in almost all areas of human activity. As a process, digital transformation involves the implementation of new technology to change products and services to deliver superior value. Education, as a key human activity, cannot escape this reality and digital transformation has impacted […]


Trading biases in Gen Z investors

The emergence of Gen Z into the financial markets has been marked by a distinct set of behaviors, preferences, and challenges. Born between the late 1990s and early 2010, this digitally native generation has been raised in an era characterized by social media, smartphones, and constant access to new information. As novice traders start on […]


Revolutionizing Finance Education: The Role of Simulators

Revolutionizing Finance Education: The Role of Simulators   In the ever-changing world of finance, characterized by rapid market evolution and the constant transformation of the landscape by emerging technologies, conventional educational methods may prove ineffective. Educators are becoming increasingly interested in offering their students a more realistic learning experience that connects theoretical concepts to their […]


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