Echipa de proiect ReThink Finance – o întâlnire fructuoasă cu conducerea Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu

În perioada 27 iunie – 4 iulie, Facultatea de Științe Economice a Universității Lucian Blaga din Sibiu este gazda unui program intensiv de formare a cadrelor didactice, „Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers”, organizat în cadrul proiectului „ReThink Finance – integrating innovative paradigms and digital technologies into financial teaching and […]


“Development of Digital Skills and Modern Teaching Methods for Economics Teachers” – the ReThink Finance Intensive Training for Teaching Staff starts the 27th of June

This week, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu’s Faculty of Economic Sciences will hold an intensive teaching staff training program as part of the project “ReThink Finance – integrating innovative paradigms and digital technologies into financial teaching and literacy”. Therefore, from the 27th of June until the 4th of July 2022, teaching staff from Spain, Poland […]


“FINTECH: DIGITAL FINANCE AND BLOCKCHAIN” – the first ReThink Finance Intensive Summer Programme for students starts the 15th of June

This June, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, through the Faculty of Economic Sciences, will be the host of the first summer programme of the ambitious project “ReThink Finance – integrating innovative paradigms and digital technologies into financial teaching and literacy”. Therefore, during two weeks, from the 15th until the 25th of June 2022, students from […]


Intensive Training for Teaching Staff “Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers”

The Intensive Training for Teaching Staff “Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers” will be organized between 27th June and 4th July 2022 in Sibiu, Romania, and teaching staff from three partner universities will participate. The number of teaching staff accepted to take part in each event is: Lucian Blaga University […]


Intensive Summer Programme for Economics Students “FINTECH: DIGITAL FINANCE AND BLOCKCHAIN”

The intensive summer programme for economics students “FINTECH: DIGITAL FINANCE AND BLOCKCHAIN” will be organized between 15-25 June 2022 in Sibiu, Romania, and students from three partner universities will participate. The number of students accepted to take part in each event is: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu – 15 students, Università degli Studi di Siena – 5 students; Universityof Opole – 5 students. The process of […]


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